Empower your business users to make meaningful progress on a day-to-day basis by gamifying processes. Allow employees to track individual as well as their colleagues’ performance in real-time. Furthermore, foster dynamic learning methods, boost workforce productivity and motivation levels while apprising your users of their goal achievements via instant alerts and notifications.

Process Gamification capability of NewgenONE Platform

Game Design Techniques

Competition and cooperation among users (leaderboard and teams)

Player engagement and feedback loops (missions, points, levels and badges)

Game Rules and Mechanics

Configuration of rules, points, levels, missions, leaderboard, and badges

Definition settings for transactions per day, first-time-right, and turnaround time

Game Elements

Employee relationship and social dynamics

Narrative, progression, motivation and collaboration

Badges, Achievements, and Rewards

Gamification badges based on performance, providing insights into employees’ strengths and development needs

Rewards for motivating employees and fostering healthy competition

Intuitive Dashboard

Badge, user, and game-wise leadership board within an organization for groups and cross-teams

Daily operations reporting through game mechanics for a 360-degree visibility

Intelligent Process Automation Capabilities of NewgenONE Platform